UC Riverside Faculty Association

RFA supports Occupy UCR’s call for a general strike on November 28, 2011


The Board of the Riverside Faculty Association supports Occupy UCR’s call for a general strike in solidarity with UC Davis on Monday, November 28.  We encourage you to participate in the activities planned, which are described in the letter below, and to honor the strike in any way you deem appropriate.

From Occupy UCR
Nov. 28: UCR General Strike and Teach Out in Solidarity with UC Davis

On Nov. 18, a group of students at UC Davis sat down and locked arms as a form of protest. Without even receiving a warning, the participants in this act of non-violent civil disobedience were pepper sprayed by campus police at point blank range. Many students were sprayed repeatedly. A number of those sprayed experienced vomiting and difficulty breathing as a result and required medical attention. The video of this incident has now been seen by millions all throughout the world.

In response to this incident, and other instances of police brutality at UC campuses in recent weeks, a democratic assembly of UC Davis students, faculty, and staff voted with near unanimity to declare a general strike for UC Davis on Nov. 28 and to request that all other UC campuses act in solidarity on that day. In response to this call to action, the general assembly of Occupy UCR voted unanimously to declare a General Strike and Teach Out for Monday, Nov. 28. We are requesting that all UCR students, faculty, and staff abandon their normal routines this Monday and instead take the day to participate in a series of on-campus actions. On Nov. 28, we come together to honor the UC students, faculty, and staff who so valiantly put their bodies on the line for the sake of reclaiming our democratic and educational institutions.

On Monday, Nov. 28, we will begin assembling at the Bell Tower at 9AM. The day will consist of a series of marches, games, teach-ins, and democratic assemblies. Community members, students, staff, and faculty are all welcome and encouraged to attend. Faculty are encouraged to bring their classes to attend and participate. Students will be leading the majority of the day’s proceedings. Bring signs, food, activities, instruments, chants, songs, books, and ideas!

Inspired by Occupy Wall St.’s example of direct and participatory democracy, UC students, faculty, and staff are rising up in order to reclaim our campuses! Together, we demand an end to police brutality! Together, we demand an end to the budget cuts that have compromised the quality of UC education and made the lives of faculty and staff members increasingly difficult! Together, we demand an end to the egregious tuition and fee hikes that are confining UC students to a future of debt slavery! Whose University of California? Our University of California!

For more information see the Occupy UCR Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/occupyucr or contact: occupyucriverside@gmail.com

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